A Simple Weapon to Beat The French Defense

In this video, I play an instructive chess game featuring one of my favorite variations against the French Defense: The 2 Knights Attack. After the game, I provide some analysis and a bonus lesson of the many traps black can stumble into.

Analyze the game:


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Eric Rosen
4579 Laclede Ave. # 205
St. Louis, MO 63108

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#chess #ericrosen


  1. Fun fact, the only game in the lichess masters database with 8… O-O actually has a win for black despite the position being completely lost for black after that move

  2. Very helpful for me who plays the French. Shows me which lines to avoid.

  3. Eric is the kind of guy you'd like to know personally as a good friend even more than a favorite streamer.

  4. "A Simple Weapon to Beat The French Defense"
    Hmmm. March through the Ardennes?

  5. Dumb question I'm sure but at 15:20 can't you do rxc6 and after …bxc6, qxd6 and you have 2 bishops for a rook?

  6. Thanks Eric for the theory episode. I miss your st Louis classes when you gave similar lectures.

  7. I love the Orthoschnapp too much to ever not play it against the French.

  8. At 12:26 would Queen to C7 have been a better move? Only asking because I’m curious if it doesn’t work some how.

  9. A steampunk weapon against the French Defense.

  10. Thanks Eric, simple concept yet wounded black still has fangs. GMs know how to win “won” games, middle club players like me take too long wondering “what now?”

  11. Literally looking at the two knights against the french yesterday and wishing you had a video on it this is crazy

  12. Wow. From a slaughter in favor of white to "Am I in trouble?" Don't play with food!

  13. The first game I play after watching this video I ran into the French defence, followed your line and had exactly the position at 20:33 on the board, and went on to win thanks to the advice, so thanks, Eric! These 9 ratings points are dedicated to you!

  14. 12:35 Aha, there it is: Eric is NOT trying to get the GM title. I was wondering about this.

  15. 8:35 I think you realized a moment later, but it actually is en passant checkmate; because it's a double check with Bishop and Rook Black cannot block with the queen

  16. Ah yes, a simple weapon against the French. I will internalize this video and use it to win many games.

    1. d4

  17. I think in 15:31 you should play Rxc6 because if pawn takes Qxd6 and there is literally no either best move for black.If there is,comment pls

  18. 10:30 Looks like Ng4 gives black a load of counterplay, maybe equalizing? White must play Ng6 to trade down – trying to save the queen (castling either way, or moving the queen) is losing.

    Best for both sides seems to be trading down – for example,
    1…Ng4 2. Ng6 Bxf2+ 3. Qxf2 Nxf2 4. Nxe7 Nxh1 5. Nxc6 bxc6
    And white should be winning; black is a pawn up (soon to be two), but a bad bishop stuck behind its own pawns, and the knight should be trapped. But white still has to prove it.

  19. 13:03 how about Qc7? Maybe I'm missing something but that looked to me like the best move

  20. 19:36 you cant block a double check

    thanks for all this glorious insight oh great eric rosen. xD

  21. eric can you please play the paradigm chess 30 variant

  22. Glad to see this. French defense is my kryptonite.

  23. This is one of those games where you feel you are close to checkmate but black keeps side stepping rhe attack. Very frustrating

  24. Eric, can we see your advance variation game (that you mentioned) agains the GM ?

  25. I would have been lazy and taken the white bishop with the rook just to avoid all bishop pair shenanigans and play an endgame with easy targets!

  26. Can you make a content about the Anti-Dutch Line of your London System about the Senechaud Gambit?

  27. At move 27, does bh2 not just win a rook because black queen is defending rook

  28. Love how with less than a minute you start editing the sound settings 😅

  29. Can anyone answer me, why did black not play pawn d4 in the beginning instead of castling? This would threaten a piece forcing a retreat and be defended doubly, out defending white w the bishop covering the queen

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