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✅ The BEST Chess Opening for Black Against 1.e4 –
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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov teaches you an aggressive chess opening as Black to crush your opponents when they play 1.e4 as White. It is an interesting variation from the Scandinavian Defense which happens after 1.e4 d5.
However, after 2.exd5 instead of taking the pawn back immediately with 2…Qxd5, you can play 2…Nf6. And when White tries to protect the pawn with 3.c4, you can play 3…e6 Black, which is the Icelandic Gambit.
The Icelandic Gambit is an aggressive choice of opening for you as Black. Instead of taking the pawn on d5, Black looks to give up the material in exchange for lead in development and a semi-open file for the queen. White has to play very carefully in this line as there are many different traps.
What’s really cool about the variations that GM Igor Smirnov shows you in this video is that, a lot of them gives you a very simple and forcing victory against the most commonly played moves by White (including grandmasters and strong players).
► Chapters
00:00 Introduction
00:29 Mainline 3.d4
01:24 Icelandic Gambit – 3…e6
04:15 Thousands of players fall for this checkmate!
07:37 Killer blow by Black!
10:52 2nd popular reply – Bd2
12:54 Crush White with this sac
13:51 Mind-blowing combination!
17:11 Find the best move
17:35 Bonus line
21:04 Black wins inevitably
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#GMSmirnov #ScandinavianDefense #ChessGambit #ChessOpenings
Hello, and thanks for your videos! Very frustrated, though, that you don't present the solutions; you just ask us to write the correct move below, and then you just move on to the next line. Pls follow your solutions to the end! Thanks!
If someone plays D3
I will play a big tournament and I love the opening but can you plz make a video covering 3.Bb5+
Stellar content ^^
Big thanks
U r mad
What if white plays e5 i.e doesn't capture the pawn
Maybe play ph6 first; to enable an escape for the bishop in case white plays Kf4; the bishop is needed to dominate the c2 square in front of the king.
Then Qc5 followed by Kb6. C4 could not be defended by white.
A black night would end up in c4 pressuring the white queen if it was still there) and threatening check mate by the black queen on on b2.
If this can be avoided by white at all, the black rooks would prove devastating in the next few moves.
Thanks .the solution of the puzzle please
The computer never does mistakes. I cannot use the strategies you shared for traps. For me, against the computer, it's a nightmare as no mistake from it.
So many assumptions are wrong . For example the move of c4 or d4 after sacrificing the first pawn is five. But playing with several people and computers, the check is actually NEVER countered by Knight but by bishop to d2 – and threatening black's bishop.
My opponent played kc3😒
Igor, on minute 12:31, what does it happen if White plays d5 (forking the bishop and the night) right after ….Nc6? You are not castled so you cannot move the rook to e8. Thank you.
i don't understand why you never address what to do when white simply moves pawn to h6 to make black move bishop maybe back to h4- and then white would move pawn to g5- thus forcing bishop out of that whole "aggressive" opening- strangely not too many of these tutorials ever address that
I want to buy your courses but it is too expensive for me…. its the codition
You explaining moves against idiots…
Examble he cover with a bishop?
Examble he cover with knight to D2 not c3
Saw how to play
3:06 what if white plays qxa4. How to save the black bishop.
Even if black plays Nxc6 to block check , the white pawn can fork the black knight and bishop.
Are there any alternative variants?
On the one hand I agree it would not be desirable to transition to the caro-kann, but psychologically, I just don't see people going 3.c4, then when they see c6…suddenly they are like…you know what have that pawn back, i've changed my mind after 1 move
How white can castle while black bishop is threating the b1 file? Please explain.
10:25 Q a 5 check is possible for white
Is it possible to castle when during castling your rook is under attack?
Very nice game
If he will cover with a bishop
So… What’s the correct answer to your trivia puzzle? I don’t think you ever gave the answer to the other gambit video either.
Re: bonus variation (the last one) – white refutation is bishop takes knight on f3 instead to Be2 ie. 9.Bxf3!! that way it blocks black's rook to go to e8+. You have to take it 9….gxf3 then comes white's 10.Qc3! Sure, one can still play, but …
Still excellent video content. Thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you!
3:25 What if queen a4 check?
5:15 what about pawn a2 then pawn b3 to drive the bishop away?
Pawn to C4 I never saw in my games 🙂 also pawn d3 is always present
My very 1st comment. I'm a new subscriber. Yep my opponent brought out the bishop. I loved it… welllll…now your just playing Chess… He hung a knight early 😳 Thank you so much Igor for all your help in better understanding this amazing game called CHESS !!!
Me who tries to do this trick but my opponent never plays pawn to d4 😂😂
what about a2 black looses 😂
only problem being my opponent is also watching your game
Is the move at 17:27 Qb2? If white takes with pawn, Nb2 is check-mate because of black's white bishop. If Qxa4, Qc2 is checkmate. If black plays Nc3, QxA2, NxA2, Nb3 is checkmate again. Seems to me even in the best case scenario white haves to give up the queen.
Black Q B4 to B3 forcing
a2 x QB3
then B K a4 X a3 smothered checkmate !
Black bishop b4 white Q a4 check and take bishop?
This video deepened my fondness for the scandanavian, and I have been playing it a lot lately with slow but definite improvement. However, I have to say, if I have played it 30 times, white has NEVER gone with pawn to D4, opening the diagonal for my dark square bishop/check. Is this normal – maybe its because i am 1100-1160 player right now?
I just wanted to share that, bit also to say again that I love this video and this line/gambit..
Thank you for all that you do, sir!
For the puzzle, im seeing Qb3 as the consensus answer bc of pawn then knight also taking on b3 leads to mate. But what if white queen or bishop goes to d3 after Qb3? Does that not thwart whites plan? Pls someone
The puzzle took me a while to solve because I am really not that good. It is a genius Queen clearance sacrifice- Qb3. Pawn takes and the Knight checkmates on b3. Any other move an Qxa2, and the same thing can happen. The castling of white was just too reckless
What if they start with the b1 horse to c3 it kinda changes everything. Most players are doing that
at 4:08 just call check with the queen then pick
up the bishop
No to good opening dont teach people your variation to get more views any one above 1200 rating wil not allow you to plan your tactics. I wonder how a being a grandmaster you teach such horrible tactics
WHAT IF 4. K-c3