Bird’s Defense: Ruy Lopez Chess Opening

The Bird’s Defense is a solid line in the Ruy Lopez that starts with 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4. Black looks to get their very active in the center of the board and threaten the white bishop. While this isn’t the most common line in the Ruy Lopez it is still very solid.


  1. I discovered this by accident. I thought – if this works as anti-Trompowsky, why not trying it for Spanish? Then turned out engine very much likes it. Thanks for some cool ideas

  2. 9:02 white just has to push the same pawn and the bishop is saved. Unable to understand how we will end up capturing the bishop ..Black has an advantage but a little!

  3. Cunt you didn’t even cover the standard white castle…

  4. Thing is, Its not good for someone above 1300. (They have a course on it)Also the average ruy lopez player mostly has a mindset to win, They dont care about what they saw in other variations. They play their perfect prep smh.

  5. Thx up for this video! Bird's def is the best variation of Ruy Lopez for me<3

  6. This is a nice surprise! I have seen this but never played it. Usually try for a marshall, but this looks fun. May try it out soon

  7. This is a nice video kevin! Keep up the good work!

  8. If white played e5, you suggested black play d5 and threaten the white bishop on c4. Why wouldn’t white trade pawns and play en passant to d6? Yes white loses a pawn but it even material and Bishop is still on c4

  9. Disappointing video and I'll explain why. Kevin spends roughly 30 seconds discussing the mainline, which runs 4.Nxd4 exd4 5.O-O, instead spending most of his time on sidelines that rely on white making absolutely terrible moves. For example, more than two minutes spent analysing the blunder 4.Nxe5??, which is played in less than 1% of games and has never been seen at master level. In the mainline after 5.O-O Kevin suggests the move 5…c6 for black (which is credible), but only briefly mentions the theoretical continuation 6.Bc4 Nf6. Instead of analysing this position, he once again turns his attention to analysing the sub-optimal move 6.Be2, which is played in less than 4% of master level games.

  10. After Qe7, then what if the opponent immediately responds with Nxf7?

  11. @4:58 why not take the d pawn en passant? That opens up a lot of play for white

  12. Hey man, can you upload more covering of games? These kind of videos are the best.

  13. What's the refutation of this opening. Obviously it's not as good as a Berlin defence since it's not seen at top play, so what's the best way to play against the opening?

  14. Can you explain what to do if after king's gambit the opponent does a classical defense except instead of Bishop to c5 they move it to d6?

  15. Thanks much. One of your best videos yet!

  16. Just noticed your videos… you went from 939 thousand viewers in 2010 to this… they told you… show the game, then do the analysis!

  17. 7:40 Bd3 looks great for white
    10:00 o-o looks like the best option
    10:25 it's not that bad, white can manage
    10:35 white can play Nf7 and then Ng5 protect e4
    12:00 Qe2 is a fine sacrifice that pretty much force an exchange of queens

  18. Hi Kevin, I'm an amateur player looking to become a fide rated master. What online chess classes would you recommend?

  19. If I'd watched this before I played my last game, I would've won!

  20. My friend is good at ruy lopez and im gonna destroy him with this 🤣😅

  21. me: plays the ruy lopez

    opponent: plays the bird's defense

    me: :C

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