Chess Openings- French Defense Part 1

We examine a popular defense to white’s e4 pawn opening and discuss the important things you need to know when playing the French Defense. This in depth analysis should share some light on how to play the French Defense correctly. This is Part 1 so make sure to watch Part 2 for the second part of this video.

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  1. I would say across the board, most of the top players have this defense in their bag of tricks. Many top players do prefer some variation of the sicilian as the main defense against e4 by white but the French Defense is still seen very often by some of the best players.

  2. thanks for the kind words. glad to hear that what i'm doing is helping.

  3. I really like this defense, but what am I supposed to play, when white plays in reversed order and after e6 his move is 2. e5? In that case I am not able to play d5 because of en passant… What is the best choice?

  4. I would recommend just developing your knight to c6. As you can imagine the game will have a little different feel but I really like black in this spot. Your next move can be d6. If white then responds with d4 then you can take at e5 and if he exchanges then you will be able to exchange queens but force him to move his king. If he takes on d6 then you can capture with bishop and have the adv in development. Hope this helps.

  5. For your playlist the part 2 of the french defense is before part one..

    Great videos! ty!

  6. I think Petrosian and Botvinnik liked this opening. Was one of their favourites along with the Indian System defences.

  7. Sir you talk too much!, e4, e6, and you stay 2 hours babbling and babbling about the diagonal and just bore me to death!, I would understand you are making time if I am paying you the hour but golly!, make it fast! bored me to death!

  8. sorry u didn't like. I wanted to make videos that explained stuff and didn't just show the moves but I can see where you are coming from if you just wanted to see the moves.

  9. it sounds like a lot of people are learning. Many people learn differently but I'm just trying to share stuff with everyone. Sorry if you didn't.

  10. I am sorry about my words, I understand now, they were a tad offensive and that was not my point, even if I showed some disrespect, I will remain a member of your channel for you guys are the best!, sorry once again, (just the french is not my kind of opening) thanks once again!

  11. i find every little piece of information very useful, i don't know any better, but i hope i do and i'm on my way.

  12. just wondering, how bad would it be for white if they got their bishop on a3 after c5?

  13. if black got his bishop to a3? If that is what you are asking, his pawn will first have to move and you are attacking a3 three times so black probably won't put his bishop there.

    if you are asking for white, how would white get his bishop to a3?

  14. he'd act like he's fianchettoing his bishop (b3), but after c5, he moved to a3. it also cuts off the Qxb2 threat. Another b3 does is support the knight if he wants to go to a4 to attack black's queen.

  15. yeah i mean black could just capture on d4 and his bishop would be attacking the a3 square. Not a terrible move but doesn't do much I don't think for development.

  16. Well if hey takes d4, then we take his (good) bishop, and he has to take it with his king, so he can't castle. Or else Bxg7. And how do you respond to Qb6?

  17. well i was saying that he would capture on d4 after we play b3 so our bishop would not be out yet. That way he is attacking the square before we get there.

    As far as what to do with Qb6, you can simply move pawn to a3, then develop your bishop to d3, then castle and you should be fine.

  18. this isnt a good video because its not include all the possibilties for white when i play against french and you didnt explained why its not good for white to play Kf3 after e6

  19. Oh, well I ment to do it earlier. Probably after he brings his knight out (after we bring ours), so then after he moves his queen, we can move our bishop. you could also transpose into the Redi gambit if you do b3 earlier.

  20. Yeah I thought of that also, I waited for him to mention that through the video :/

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