Chess Openings: Slav Defense – When to Avoid the Schallopp Variation


The Schallopp Variation of the Slav Defense is an extremely effective weapon for black against 1. d4. Black aims for a very solid pawn structure early on while deploying his light-squared bishop to f5 – outside of the pawn chain and on an active diagonal. However the Schallopp Variation of the Slav Defense retains one major drawback – white can obtain a dangerous initiative by playing a flexible move order that exploits the fact that with an early …Bf5 black is giving up protection of his b7 pawn. While black certainly has adequate defensive resources at his disposal, it is important to understand the types of positions that result after an early cxd5 and Qb3 by white (see diagram at top right). In the below video I will analyzes black´s best recommended response to this dangerous line by white, as well as a few alternatives for black to avoid this difficult variation by playing an early …a6 and transposing to the Chameleon Variation of the Slav Defense.

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