Trying to land a fork on the weakest point in the black position, f7, is an all too common tactic. In the Two Knights Defense however, white had best be aware of black’s counterattacking idea, since there is a silent and deadly strike as early as move 7 that can ultimately lead to the loss of the white queen, or even king via smothered mate!
Internet Chess Club (ICC)
That's one sexy lession, thank you!
Thanks, I just played a game right after watching this and they fell right into the trap
I was trapped in these moves many a times… But didn't found this continuation…
Surely will try it out
most satisfying trap ever
That's not a trap, that's just the italian opening lol
Awesome great work in explaining both sides.
I always play the Two Knights against the Italian. This is a wonderful addition to my repertoire 🙂
@2:20 knight could not take on D5 because that pawn already advanced to d6 before your bishop went to F1.
Kuddos Jerry! Great way in covering and explaining different scenarios with different outcomes. Most importantly, not getting people confused and making the learning process easy to understand. Short, sweet, and right to the point. Thanks!
Soooo nice….
After 6…b5, (1:47) 7.Bf1 is best by far. Not only do the databases and engines confirm this but many class A and up have been aware of this position for a while. 7.Bd3 (2:05) pretty much dumps all of whites advantage Not just going by all the engines, but in practice between class level players. It is quite unusual at all levels. In general this is an excellent video for players who play the Italian at ameteur levels. Very accurate and relevant! Kudos!
thanks bud@
Does this mean Jerry is a batfan?
2:23 How about something more forcing for white like 8. Nxf7. Kxf7. 9. cxd4… displacing the king?
thank you for the clear explanations with the graphics making it even clearer. good job.
Hey, I have won a game with this trap! But in that game he didn't capture my room with his knight, but make a random move and I sacrificed my knight and won his queen! Thanks for this helpful video
Hi Mr Jerry
I'd be so thankful if you continue this series of chess Traps adding more videos thank you very much for these nice videos
Explain little bit slowly did you understand
0:57 b4? I've seen it before.
3:57 Why wouldn't bishop c4 instead of b3?
The name of this is Fritz defense.
This ends in much the same way as the Blackburne shilling gambit, another natural looking trap black plays against the Italian game. Not 3. … Nf6, but instead 3. … Nd4 and then if white takes the pawn and proceeds with the fork, it results in the same huge material losses for white or a very quick smothered mate. Definitely worth checking out! 🙂
What if white castles after 5.exd5 Nd4 ??
Finally, after that dreaded e4, Nf3, Bc4 progression. There's this one player that always gets me with his favorite opening.
Hi, Jerry, it's also possible to set up this trap out of the schilling-kostic gambit/blackburne gambit . Would be nice if you would mention that as well in a video.
Love your videos, greetings from Germany
Wow…i have already self learned it before watching this on youtube….cant believe it either 😦😦
Do we need to memorize these moves or is there a theory/strategy that can help me makes and develop my own moves? I find it very hard to memorize the openings stuff.
Jarry thank you very much for making people very stupid. I play this opening with white and I always win because you skipped best movies for white on purpose just to sell your video. Maybe you would sell better your video if you show to people how not to fall in this cheap trap.
How can anyone not like this video? Thanks mate, succinct and interesting.
I know this is late, like years late. But thank you for sharing this. A lot of low skill players go for this quick move. Which I kinda loath. I have mated my first person who done this and told them to look you up. Great counter. Again thank you. Also, I mated him in 15 seconds because I knew 😅👌🏼
Isn’t this anti-fried-liver defense?
Very well explained – thank you.
i remember several years ago I'm a 600, found this video, nad it got me to around 1300 lol, too many scrubs falling for this
Wow! Thank you so much! My opponent elected to give up the king in the EXACT sequence you outlined here:
Be2 to block the Qe4+, Ne3#! So cool!
Outstanding trap, it’s funny to watch my opponents continue to gorge on the Queenside buffet only to realise they’ve walked into a trap with a devastating outcome. Used this response a fair few times, absolutely brutal. Thanks for the tutorial.
1:51 So I went down this "messy road" and he replied with Qa4 check
I'm 600 rated I'm so sad I've got the moves right but I messed up, I was playing against a 1200 I could av won he did exactly the variation on the video were the knight took the pawn I'm so sad, won't happen twice thanks for the video sir!
@3:58 the bishop doesn't necessarily have to move all the way back and get captured by the knight. Instead white could play bishop c4 and maintain the light squared diagonal. If black then tries to kick away the knight with h6 white has the move knight f7 and black has no way of capturing it and a whole new line can play out.
Amazing 👏
I've been getting absolutely abused by the fried liver by playing NxD5 so I went to see if you had anything, and sure enough you did. I love it.
Black can escape by moving soldier 7f to 6f in the initial steps..
2.21 black lost the game as knight takes f3 pawn, threat to Queen. If you take knight by king then pawn takes night.
After the white bishop takes on f7, why can't white play 8. Bc4 instead of Bb3? Doesn't that avoid the black counterattack?
Cool video. It's very helpful. Lately when I play the Italian as white I've been seeing the black queen coming out early after their knight takes my kings pawn. Ultimately it leads to a quick checkmate if I'm careful. I've been trying to figure out what it's called to look it. Any idea what it is?
E for epic
After Qf3 cxb5
Good video I doubt that the white light squared bishop is just going to hang it’s self like that though 😂
3:06, how about Black Nxc6 to get Queen and possible checkmate?