Four Knights Game – Chess Openings Explained

Jonathan Schrantz teaches an opening where all four Knights move toward the center. It’s pretty and symmetrical, but there are sharp lines you should know. Learn the Scotch Four Knights, the Glek system, and more.

Vladimir Kramnik vs Levon Aronian, Kramnik – Aronian (2012): C47 Four knights, Scotch, 4…exd4


  1. I've been a correspondence player for nearly 40 years, and in the last 10 or so years I turned to the Four Knights opening when playing White in an attempt from getting away from the highly-analysed variations of the major king pawn openings.

  2. Nice. 4 knights is only boring because most amateurs play it safe. There are many chances to play wide open like Kramnik-Aronian.

  3. I was one of those who found the 4 knights game with Spanish variation. Since I found it, I use it often, but I didn’t know much of the knowledge in this video. I can tell I’ll watch this video over and over and over. I want to absorb it all.

  4. Interestingly strong engines do not agree on the f3 sacrifice. More than one lection mentions it on YT, that it is really strong play for black and that Ng4 and Qh4 are unstoppable, but h3 recommended by stockfish, at 14:50 does give white +1.3 on evaluation as a response.
    Edit: After further analasys lichess stockfish ( which does not even see ng4 after h3, does give black over +4) simply sucks. Do your homework on your own people.

  5. 4:42 what if e4 attacks the knight which is defending the knight on g5 when it moves take the knight on g5

  6. 2:13 "and this is actually a mistake already"

    I play this almost every single game when I'm white

  7. Never knew ian from smosh is interested in chess

  8. Is he doing it on purpose? Eye-talian game? WTF?! Great game and great lecture by the way- as always. I miss his opening theory lectures…

  9. 3:01 Why don't the Bishop just take the pawn, can the Bishop just take the pawn?

  10. Wow that fork trick will work great against players at my level, I hate seeing these positions in chess

  11. 5:24 afro mayev? i didnt get his name right can someone help me? i want to check out his games
    edit: found him!
    Vladimir Afromeev
    he won all of the games he played in everysigle opening as black except for one game? thasss crazyyyy

  12. 66k views as of Aug 2020… no worries about there being only one in the audience. Great vid, Jonathan.

  13. Jonathan, I am happy to have seen/listened to this lecture on the four knights. I fell into it with a "Daily Game" where I was trying to play the Petrov defense as black. Anyway, as I was looking for the games that you sited and was glad to see the someone asked and you answered with FM Vladimir Afromeev's(2633) name and spelling. I would not have found him by looking him up as a "grandmaster" (he certainly has the rating for it) as you called him on Fide ratings with the phonetic spelling I was using. Thanks to your comment list, I was able to find him since I wanted to look up the games you sited. I was only able to find one(chess but it was instructive as you suggested. I am a Mac user so I do not have Chessbase to look up any others unfortunately. Your lecture helped me with the Scotch Four Knights and Glek system for myself as white also. Thanks (4 years later thanks to storage on the net by SLCC)

  14. I accidentally disliked this sorry. Greetings from Canada . Sorry.

  15. why do white people in USA have german last names?

  16. Somebody tell him it's pronounced "Italian" not "I-talian".

  17. I have found the Four Knights to be a particularly strong and dynamic opening if you intend on controlling the board from the wings as opposed to developing material in the center.

  18. What if at 4:30, white knight takes pawn e5 to put in check? Then black knight recaptures, but white moves queen H5 putting in check, then can take black knight and pressure on other knight?
    Or am I wrong

  19. I am only here beacause I play petrov defense 😀
    Every pertrov player knows the joke.

  20. The eye talyin. The bell grad gambit.

  21. I'm here 5 years later trying to learn; great channel and thank you Mr. Schrantz!

  22. Don't be disappointed Jonathan, YouTube means that I'm always in your audience.

  23. With the metger unpin, why doesn’t white just move the bishop back and keep the pin on the knight?

  24. I came here after losing against an opponent playing scotch four knights

  25. I play the Russian game, which often transposes into the Four Knights, so I went looking for a video on it. Was happy to find this @JonathanSchrantz video

  26. This guy is awesome. He makes lecturing look easy and actually got me interested in this channel / revitalized my interest in chess. 👍

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