Gotham Chess Guide Part 1: 1000+ | FREE PIECES GALORE!

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Hey everyone! This is Part 1 in a series called Gotham Guide, where I take on users in blitz games and discuss the range of mistakes and tactical themes. Game links below:

Game 1 vs. Chiefs2020:

Game 2:

Game 3 vs. antonio2792:

Game 4 vs javor75:

Game 5 vs. savella17:

Game 6 vs. skayhawk:

Game 7 vs. ekberovic:

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  1. I feel like we need an updated version of this xd, games have become harder I think

  2. Bruh u could have done this move at exactly 7:33 rook to C1 to win material and a good position

  3. Dude these 1000s are probably actually 600 elo I've never seen them blunder so obviously.

  4. 7:33 check with the rook , their rook takes , our queen takes , knight comes back , our qoueen takes and that's checkmate.

  5. I be reacting to Levi videos like damn that was nice my dude is just greatness like his board vision is crazy and the fact that he sees this is crazy

  6. first guy is a scholars mate noob they always panic against strong defense and make mistakes

  7. Ommg thanks for these serie
    Of videos 😭😭❤

  8. At 7:54 doesn't queen c1 lead to winning a rook or just a back rank mate?

  9. These are great. I'm about this level and Levy just makes it look basic

  10. I think we need an updated version on this, 1000+ players these days play a little better

  11. 7:50 there was checkmate in 2 moves

    Queen to f1
    Rook takes queen
    Rook takes rook
    And its checkmate

  12. me seeing mate in 2 with queen sacrfice and levy not seeing it

  13. His opponent : blundering most moves.
    My opponent : i will fork you .

  14. I have never seen a 1000 rated player blunder like that. Maybe it is because I never play blitz.

  15. A unit pie's perimeter is 2pi. But you don't eat the perimeter, you eat the pie. Area is pi. Easy as that.

  16. nice 1.000 rating games…

    and i am still at 600-700

  17. im spo trash at chess i am rated 50 im actuallg 250 but i always lost

  18. Levy “don’t play the Sicilian if you’re under 2000”
    Levy playing as a 1000 “let me start with the Sicilian”
    Oh and then he doubled down!
    “it’s just too familiarize ourselves with what we need to play at what level of chess“ 😂😂😂

  19. 23:45 what is that rumbling sound in the background when you mentioned pawn storm? I actually thought it was a storm but it sounds like an object

  20. At 7:21 you could have just played rook c1 and then checkmate in 2 moves. Please correct me if i'm wrong.

  21. "it wouldn't have been unreasonable to play on." Ah yes he should have continued shuffling the king back-and-forth outside of your rook's forcefield and helplessly watched while you pushed your A pawn to promotion

  22. Man, this series was SOOOOO GOOD!! It'd be awesome if we could get version 2.0 of this with new Gotham games

  23. When I play 800s I manage to hang 0 pieces and still get crushed 🙁

  24. These 1200 ranked players you just played, play exactly like the 100-300 people I play. The rankings are not accurate

  25. I love how he played the games and then process his thinking out loud for us to understand the reason why he played like that. It is very tutorial

  26. Really? the first guy tried to scholar mate a im after seeing this im out of here

  27. Levy's 2nd game after Qxa1 is blunder because of Bc3 targeting both the Queen on a1 and pawn in g7

  28. In what world 1000 plus players play like this

  29. Wow, looking back to when I was 1000 just a few years ago, and now I'm 1500, thanks to Batman.

  30. I'm currently an 700ELO player, but I play much better than those players, or at least I don't make such blunders. However, I don't know why can't I reach even 800ELO😢

  31. 37:41

    Why do pawn takes pawn on d5 ?

    Why not pawn to c5 ?!
    Attacking his queen ???

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