How to Choose a Chess Opening | Tactical/Positional Chess Openings Theory Explained | Opening Ideas

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☞Winning Chess Endgames 📘♜ 📘♜

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☞ 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate ♜📙

Rating Levels Playlist: 🚀🚀📈📈

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Chess Opening Traps Playlist: 💯‼️

About this video:
Choosing a chess opening can be tough for beginners and intermediate chess players. In this video I show you the different types of chess openings that are available, and why you might choose one over another. I talk about setup-based openings (also called positional openings), and theory-based openings (also called tactical openings). I give examples of each chess opening, including the London system, King’s Indian attack, Slav defense, Scandinavian defense (Icelandic gambit) and the King’s gambit. I give you the basic chess opening ideas and strategies for each type of chess opening, and give you chess tips and trick to choose the perfect chess opening for you.


  1. One of the best chess videos out here, every single beginner should watch this before diving into all kinds of different opening lessons. Also, sick desktop background! I have to find that somewhere 😂

  2. One of the most helpful opening videos on YouTube! Currently the most helpful as of today. The motive was set on how to approach looking at openings. It’s not about gambits that capture queens but this video encourages your personality to select your opening. If you followed the steps suggested, you should end up with an opening you LOVE

  3. I really appreciate your teachings. I have adopted you as my internet chess teacher. And I subscribed.But, do you have a list of openings sorted by positional and tactical for black and white? A sort of 2 x 2 matrix. It would be easier to choose. Also, maybe some openings can be played both ways, tactical and positional? I don't know, I consider myself a beginner. For now, I choose : For white : I will give a try on the London System. I wanted to play the Evans Gambit, but it is a long way to go through the Classical Two Kings Pawns line… never had the opportunity to play it, really… (Maybe I would have a better chance to play the Ponziani ???) , anyway I'll give a try on this one too.For black : The Caro-Kann to answer white: 1.e4..The King's Indian Defence : for everything else.Maybe the Scandinavian : Risky… But it seems to create shorter games… It looks unsettling for white…Like some others had commented, I appreciate the way you teach. No show, no ego. Just chess teaching. I can just learn chess without having to filter out or sort out what is important. You are a valuable teacher.Sorry for the long comment.

  4. I am good with hyper accelerated dragon Sicilian and and reverse Sicilian Is it necessary for me to learn other opening or continue with this

  5. I have been watching you for a couple years now and somehow I am just seeing this video. You really are a great teacher for me personally. I connect with your way of explaning so well. I would REALLY like to see you do a deeper dive into this video… like into the Tactical side of it. (Maybe this already exists… bouta check) Thanks for everything man… you make chess fun for me.

  6. thanks for your video, my elo is 300 before, after your video, I am 900 now

  7. I played positional at first but realized that I hate it. It's no fun. I then wondered why am I doing these tactics every day. I get them easily but they never appear in my games. Its the way I play. Thank you for the video.

  8. Tactical openings becoming known as theory-based openings has to be the worst development in chess. The King's Gambit leads to beautiful attacking chess with deep calculations, piece sacrifices and winning chances for both players – unless black has taken a look at the theory and memorized the correct move order (no understanding required). Then it's an easy win for black.

  9. As a beginner, I'd prefer something in the middle, where I'm not auto piloting the first 10 moves and at the same time not playing something overly aggressive jeopardising my overall position. As i feel it's important to maintain a good structure and learn how different pieces support each other and slowly improve their position. The opening should cover the basic principles of chess, where i place at least 1 pawn in the middle of the board, develop the knights and the bishops and I have to react accordingly to my opponent move by move. This way I learn a lot faster rather than being on auto pilot and therefore i don't mind losing within a few moves like the scholar's mate as long as i learn from these mistakes early on. Finally I don't want to play anything mainstream which has been studied for centuries like the Italian as there's tonne of theory on it and therefore even a beginner with great memory would have a huge advantage on. Therefore something like the Vienna opening for the white or something like the caro kann for the black maybe a viable choice. I'd love some recommendations please?

  10. Clear and to the point. Trying to more seriously learn chess these days playing with a bunch of friends and this single video really cleared things for me – as did many others on your channel. Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into this excellent channel!

  11. I am just learning and have looked at a few tutorial sites before I saw yours. I subscribed and stopped looking for another "tutor". One thing that would be helpful to me would be bigger rank and file alpha/numbers on the board. I take notes and (for a beginner not knowing the board) it is hard or slow to note the moves, especially from the black perspective, when you can't see the R/F's. Turning on c/c shows the R/F's as you mention them, but the black caption box covers so much of the board that it is its own aggravation. But enough grumpy old guy stuff. Thanks for so much helpful content. I find the titles of each vid to be accurate and describe the content that I then expect to see very well. Thank you.

  12. I tried out many different openings and I definitely prefer theory/tactical openings in general. My repertoire: 1 e4, 1.e5 vs 1.e4 and KID vs everything else. I prefer e4-like positions over d4-like ones. I generally feel the best when I fight for the center, have good development and focus on king side play. I definitely prefer the nimzo indian over the KID but I do not enjoy positions where white avoids 3.nc3 in the nimzo. I put a lot of effort into the caro kann but i did not enjoy it. Openings I liked but didn't love: English, London system, queen's gambit, semi slav, QGD, classical dutch, black lion, and various sicilians.I dislike gambits(except queen's gambit)I think finding your style is more important than focusing on openings but the two are definitely linked. It was definitely harder for me to find my style with black than it was with the white pieces.

  13. Your first opening for white was foul move what if pawn push attack bishop?

  14. Viena, Rousseau gambit, Budapest Gambit, Kings Indian defense, Weinawer gambit these are my go-to's if I can sacrifice my f pawn in an opening, you can bet I'll do it. I just really love my rook on the f file, especially if the opponent's king castles short.

  15. Thank you for this video, please continue to include a little chess theory in your videos 🫡

  16. As a novice chess player with a score of like 600, I have found it extremely helpful to pull random stunts that throw off my opponent. Of course, my opponents are also novice, a skilled player would walk through me

  17. I genuinely don't know who's better between this guy and gotham

  18. I have used positional based openings, and often I get destroyed by players using the tactical openings even with slightly lower ratings.

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