Longer Chess Games #36 The St. George Defence in Action. Theory and Game

In this video I explain some interesting opening theory that I have been recently studying. I then get a chance to test the opening against my friend Aldo (around 2100 elo).
If you’re looking for an exciting and maverick way of playing with the Black pieces then this opening could be just the thing for you…

In this online game I pick a longer time limit, 15+10, my aim is to really explain the thought processes behind the moves that I am playing.

* Twitter – ginger_gm
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Aldo vs GingerGM

1. e4 e6 2. d4 a6 3. Bd3 b5 4. c3 c5 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. O-O Bb7 7. Re1 Be7 8. Nbd2 Nc6 9. e5 Nd5 10. Ne4 cxd4 11. cxd4 Qb6 12. Bc2 f5 13. exf6 gxf6 14. a4 b4 15. Bb3 Na5 16. Be3 O-O-O 17. Rc1+ Kb8 18. Nc5 Nxb3 19. Qxb3 Rhg8 20. a5 Qb5 21. Rc4 Rc8 22. Rc2 f5 23. Rec1 f4 24. Bd2 Bxc5 25. dxc5 Qe2 26. Bxb4 Rxg2+ 27. Kh1 Qe4 28. c6 dxc6 29. Bd6+ Ka8 30. Re1 Ne3 31. Rxe3 fxe3 32. Kxg2 e2 33. Rc1 c5 34. Re1 Rg8+ 35. Bg3 Rf8 36. Qe3 Qxf3+ 37. Qxf3 Bxf3+ 38. Kg1 Rd8