Modern Defense | King’s Gambit Opening Theory

The Modern Defense is a popular alternative to the main line of the King’s Gambit Accepted (3…g5), but it shouldn’t pose a serious threat to white if he is prepared for it.

Main lines exist for a reason; they are objectively the best. The same goes for the King’s Gambit, in which, after Nf3, black should go for one of the two main moves – g5 or d6, which both lead to favorable positions for him.

The Modern Defense (3…d5) is slightly less good, and it often lets white to regain his material or to compensate for it with ample piece activity or a huge lead in development. That’s why the defense should be used as an extra weapon or a hidden ace up your sleeve. If white isn’t prepared for it, it could be lethal.

White is the one who chooses which variation will be played. On move 5, white has five options (and all are perfectly playable). They mainly differ in one thing – whether white wants to defend his d5 pawn actively or not.

For an active King’s Gambit played, learning and adopting one of the variations is a must. This will mean that you are well prepared for the Modern Defense (which is likely to come up in at least 2/10 games).

#chess #kingsgambit


  1. Came here from the King’s Gambit playlist. It’s my favorite opening to play but my 2000 rated friend plays falkbeer against it. Your content is an immense help

  2. I think this was the chessbrah line as well 🤔

  3. Thank you for this analysis! And all your vids. You are a great teacher!

  4. Could you also pls show the immediate d5 variation to f4. The falkbeer counter gambit.

  5. You're doing an amazing job! The information that you're providing is my gold mine of information right now! I appreciate these videos more than any other videos about Chess on YouTube! I know millions of people will be referencing these amazing Kings Gambit videos for years and years to come! Keep up the amazing work!! You're #1!!!!

  6. I learned so much from your videos, please keep going! The way you explain is perfect and its easy to follow 🙂
    Also, I would love to see a video on the scotch gambit!
    Keep it up man

  7. I'm counting on this to apply it. I've just lost to someone who threw all his pawns at me – no development, no castling-I had no idea what to do, I hope this will help me be more solid. (I did the London).

  8. Thank you very much sir…I requested you this Defense……Thank you very was great learning from you sir…..

  9. sir what should i play if my opponent plays kings gambit knight variation ,i want to know the best defence

  10. -5.4
    Stockfish 10+WASM
    Depth 23/23

    C36 King's Gambit Accepted, Abbazia Defense

    1. e4 e5 2.f4 exf 43.Nf3 d5 4.exd5 Nf6 5.Be2 Nxd5 6.c4 Nb4 7.d4 Bf5 8.Na3 g5 9.O-O h6! 10.Bd2 a5 11.Bc3 Nd7 12.d5 Bc5+ 13.Kh1 0-O 14.Nd4 Be4 15.Bf3 Bg616.Bh5 Bd3 17.Be2 Bxd4 18.Bxd4 Bh7 19.Qd2 Re8 20.g3 Nf6 21.gxf4 Nfxd5
    22.fxg5! (22. cxd5? Rxe2! 23. Qx Re2 Qx e5+ followed by . . . .QxBd4) Ne3 23.Rf2Nec2 24.Nxc2 Nxc2 25.Rd1Be4+26.Kg1Nxd4 27.Qxd4 Qxg5+28.Kf1 Rad8 29.Qc3c6 30.Qg3Qxg3 31.hxg3 Rxd1+32.Bxd1Bd3+ 33.Kg2 Bxc4 34.b3 Be6 35.Rd2 Kf8 36.Bf3Ke7 37.Rf2 Rg8 38.Re2 Kd6 39.Re4 Rg5 40.Rd4+Kc7 41.Rh4 Rc5 42.Be4 h5 43.Kf3 a4 44.bxa4 Bg4+ 45.Ke3 Rc3+ 46.Kf4 Rc4 47.Ke3 Rxa4 48.Rh2 Ra5 49.Kf4 Be6 50.Bb1 Kd6 51.Rd2+ Bd5 52.Kg5 Kc7 53.Kh4 Ra3 54.Kxh5 Rxg355.Kh4 Rg156.Bd3 Ra157.Kg3 Rxa2 58.Rd1 Ra5 59.Kf4 b5

    HANGING PAWNS IS WRONG HERE ON THE 7. c4?? DONT PLAY 6.Be2 Nxd5 7.c4?? Nb4! (Hits the "hole" on d3) 8.d4 Bf5! (Hits c2 square) 9.Na3 g5! 10. Bd2 a5! and into the above line in my comment.

  11. Bc4 Abbazia defense I thought the defense term is only for black piece

  12. Do our fav chess opening vant kunj opening

  13. your audio has too much gain on the lower frequencies for many speakers, on my laptop it just distorts. I have to put on big headphones to hear what you are saying. Would be good if you could equalise the audio back to a more sensible balance

  14. In the Be2 variation black can go Ne7 after c4 and then Ng6 and is better.

  15. After 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 d5 4. exd5 Nf6 5. Be2 Nxd5 (6:10 in the video) 6. c4 is a very bad move as 6…Nb4! 7. d4 Bf5 attacking c2 and White has a horrible position with many problems already, pawn down and the initiative is with Black. If White does not go 7. d4 then 7…Nd3 is extremely unpleasant, there is no compensation in those positions.

  16. In the Be2 line, Black should play Nb4 instead of Nb6. In the Nc3 line, Black should play Bg4 instead of g4. In both cases, both the engine and my (rather weak) experience in correspondence games says Black is better.

  17. Engines thoroughly prefer black after 5.Be2 Nxd5 6.c4 Nb4, and Blacks play also seems to be quite easy with the idea of Bf5.

  18. I like listening to Hanging Pawns talk about the hanging pawns

  19. The algorithm will reward your brilliant work eventually.

  20. I play Kings Gambit a lot and find the Falkbeer the trickiest to play against. g5 gets responded to with h4 and so long as white maintains aggression and keeps his pieces on the king's side, white usually comes out ok.

  21. What you are showing here, if I'm not wrong is not the Muzio Gambit. In the Muzio, the bishop is already out, so losing the knight generally isn't serious and black ends with a queen, a rook and a bishop pointed at his f pawn.

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