Orthoschnapp Gambit: Crush the French Defense

The Orthoschnapp Gambit starts with 1.e4 e6 2. c4 d5 3. cxd5 exd5 4. Qb3 giving up the pawn on e4 in exchange for rapid development with Bc4 and a strong attack on the f7 square.

To go directly to each variation we will cover you can click below:
5…Nh6 2:21
5…Qe7 8:28
5…Qd7 13:04
5…Be6 16:50
5…Bc5 18:37

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  1. 6:10 Why not take with the bishop? Is it so the bishop can take the pawn later and put pressure on the king?

  2. At 14:41 Knight to f7 means the Black will lose its Queen, there's no other way to remove the Check

  3. Great video! I like to see variation for e5.

  4. 17:17 Black can play Qd5 instead of Nd7?
    If white plays Qxc7, then Na6 coming in to b4?

  5. Played this against the French and got queen to f6 no clue what to do and lost it

  6. Please make videos on gambits that others haven't already popularized so that the viewers get to learn something new and benefit!

  7. Does anyone know a good line vs

    1. e4 e6
    2. c4 d5
    3. cd ed
    4. Qb3 de
    5. Bc4 Qe7
    6. Nc3 c6
    7. d3 ed+
    8. Be3 d2
    9. Kf1 Nd7
    10. Nf3 Nf6


  8. I’d like this gambit better if after all that stuff, my pawn structure was better and I could get my king to safety

  9. 8:08 black bishop can take the f2 pawn then check QF8 and take f7. then black is winning

  10. 5:20 why the bishop don't take the knight on h6 to remove the defender of the f7 square? Nice video as always !

  11. Well if you want to break the french defence just go through belgium

  12. I recently ran into a weird move of 2c4 c5!? which transposes to a strange sicilian. It isn't scary or anything, but I am not sure I want my pawn on c4 in a sicilian.

  13. French is definitely my least favorite to play against as white. I don't like it much when I play black either.

  14. Kevin every time there’s a new Chess opening video: “this is one of my FAVorite lines”

  15. loved this!!! ❤ waiting for your orthoschnapp gambit declined video! 😊❤

  16. Dear sir, your video session on orthoschnap gambit to crush the French defense is of absorbing interest as you analytically explained every possible move that can actually take place over the board. It can truely act as lethal weapon with maximum winning chances for white. It added knowledge and confidense playing against the usual lines. Looking forward for such studious session on e5 line and others. Thanks and regards. Dmbhangaonkar

  17. How can you leave out the most common response 5)…Qf6..?

  18. Thanks for the video.
    What do you do if after Qe7, blacks plays Knight d7? Best black move according to computer.

  19. Dont trust in 4 people: Billionares, baldys, people that play 1.d4 and people that play french defense

  20. I'm just a chess noob, but at 3:26, how was the g7 pawn protecting the f7 square so that you could only bring the bishop in when you got it out of the way?

  21. Hardly crushing. Accept and Qe7 and Black is fine.

  22. Hey kevin 👋🏼 i know this is a 7 months old video but would you be able to do a video on the declined version of this ortho shnapp gambit? Where black doesnt take after white takes in the beginning

  23. Super helpful videos I’m literally never disappointed everything is covered very clearly!

  24. Hey, Kevin! Great video, thanks as always. Also at 6:22, the nasty Nf6+! as well as what you indicate with Nxc7+.

  25. 1. e4 e6 2. c4 d5 3. cxd5 exd5 4. Qb3 dxe4 5. Bc4 Qd7 6. d3 Nc6 7. dxe4 Na5 8. Qc2 Nxc4 9. Qxc4 Nf6
    Where is this line, this variation?

  26. The moves 1.e4 e6 2.c4 d5 have occurred 578 times in master level play according to the Lichess database. I was surprised to see that White has played 3.exd5 in the vast majority of those games (469 times), not 5.cxd5 (98 times). The database also refers to 2.c4 as the Steiner Variation.

    So, my question is this: What move characterizes the Orthoschnapp Gambit? Is it 2.c4 or 3.cxd5?

    Also, I think a not-too-unlikely response from Black, to protect his f7 square, could be something other than 5…Qe7, 5…Qd7 or 5…Nh6. Black could play 5…Qf6. This still protects f7 while blocking neither bishop.

  27. I won a Lot of games thanks to this gambit. Greeting since Argentina

  28. Can you do another video on how to play against the Orthoschnapp gambit as black? Is there even a good way to combat this as black?

  29. I hate the French ! Thanks. (Not the pple lol)

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