Queens gambit declined – Marshall defense – Queen Sacrifice ! Rare Variation

The Marshall Defense is a variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined in chess. The move 2… Nf6 is named after Frank Marshall, an American champion from 1877-1944. Marshall played the Marshall Defense in the 1920s, but gave it up after losing to Alekhine at Baden-Baden in 1925.The Queen’s Gambit Declined is one of Black’s three responses to White’s Queen Gambit opening. Black chooses to secure his center pawn instead of accepting White’s wing pawn. The Queen’s Gambit Declined has been one of the most popular responses to the Queen’s Gambit for years.
The Queen’s Gambit is one of the oldest known openings in chess. It was mentioned in the Göttingen manuscript of 1490 and was later analyzed by Gioachino Greco in the 17th century.

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