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This is an introduction to a chess opening known as the Sicilian Defense, the signature opening of Former World Champions Garry Kasparov and Robert James “Bobby” Fischer.
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ACF rating: 2200
FIDE rating: 2146
thank you!
Yes, you're right. It also gets off the diagonal of the White bishop on g2.
I think you should talk a bit slower and enunciate more. A good video nonetheless.
Yes, it is reasonably theoretical. One of the least theoretical Sicilians which is still very popular is the Paulsen or Kan Sicilian arising after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6. Of course, there are other less popular Sicilians which require less memory such as the O'Kelly Variation 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 a6.
I don't think it is necessary to learn 2…c5 against 2.Nf3 as it is a whole new opening, requiring more memorisation. If you want to play the Paulsen or Classical, I recommend you play 1…c5.
After 1.e4 e6 2.Nf3, I think 2…d5 is fine. This is a sideline of the French where I don't think Black will have much trouble equalising.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks a lot! this really helped me! 🙂
No problem.
@GeniusProphecy I think he was joking. Talk faster pls, and don't digress on unimportant things such as alternatives to e4 c5 nf3 is my suggestion =D
Thanks i like the way you cover more than just one variation. Very helpful.
thanks for your videos man. they are just what i need at my level. I feel completely confident with tactics but i've never tried to learn openings before and all the books on the subject just go way over my head. thanks again.
Thanks for your kind words.
You talk way too fast like you're reading from a script. I can't understand nor follow you. Hope you aren't a teacher on real life.
Slow down man
Your English is Excellent. I love your video! Plesase move pieces more slowly for Beginners(including me).