The Best Chess Openings Book for Anyone Under 1800 – Best Chess Book for Beginners and Intermediate

✔️Fundamental Chess Openings(FCO)

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About This Video:

In this video I will explain why I think Fundamental Chess Openings (FCO) is the best chess Opening book you can buy. It covers all chess openings, Sicilian, Queen’s Gambit, Fried Liver Attack, Evan’s Gambit, and so many more. Chess Openings are one of the most popular phases of the game to study, but many players don’t know how to approach learning chess openings. One of the best ways to start with the chess opening, is to get a good chess openings book like FCO. It goes into enough detail that you will be prepared in any opening, but it is not too overwhelming that beginners can’t use it. It’s by far the best Openings reference guide I have ever had for a chess book. and amazon links are affiliate links.


  1. Very good content in this channel. I came here by searching how to break the 1500 rating and I found so awesome content.

    There is one video I would love to see is how to learn all that damn openings and defences and all that variations. Or do I have to learn all of it if my goal is not a 2000 rating?
    How should I read an opening book? I mean how much time I should dedicate to an opening to learn? Is it enough just reading and trying it on a board or should I like to play it for a week to understand completely?

    Another difficulty I’m having is to play a defiance to learn it, but in online games it’s like 1 of 10 games is the game I can use the defense I just learned.

    I think those questions has a lot of players like me, and will love to see a video about this topic.

  2. Thanks for the tip, and for your great videos. You explain things so clearly and I’m learning so much. Now if you could just recommend a book on how to stop blundering…

  3. I would like to know your opinion on the idea that any player with an elo of somewhere below 1000, or maybe even below 1500, should not put in that much effort into learning openings. That below 1500, you cannot memorize your way to success. Instead, I have seen YT chess video where it is suggested that players who want to improve, should just find an easy to play opening that will get you into a playable middle game. If you have even a slight negative position it does not matter, because you can win in the middle game with superior tactics and positional play. Therefore, spend a minimal amount of time learning openings, and a lot of time improving your tactics and positional play. And I would add – in 10 minute games, work on exercises to train your mind to think faster to see a sound playable move, that could improve your position.

  4. I learned one opening with white and one for both but primary black

  5. My first chess book i
    Was chess for dummies but I am going to buy another one soon

  6. Such a useful video, thanks Nelson. I'm ordering the FCO book. Do you have a UK link so you get your cut?

  7. Great vid! Do u have a Japan link for FCO or nah? I'm definitely gonna get it

  8. Man Nelson is seriously the best chess YouTuber.

  9. Do you recommend getting chessbase if you are like 1400-1500 rapid as a supplement to this? I was thinking it could be useful to see what game look like in these various opening position to get a sense of the middle game ideas. Or is that too much for my level would you say?

  10. Can you please make a video on the English Opening? thxkbai

  11. Chess Opening Essentials: The Ideas & Plans Behind ALL Chess Openings, The Complete 1. e4. Plz give reviews on this volumes….is it better than FCO? Or not …

  12. Chess Opening Essentials: The Ideas & Plans Behind ALL Chess Openings, The Complete 1. e4

  13. This was a really helpful video! I just got my first chess book (Art of Attack in Chess) and am definitely going to add your suggestion to my next book haul. Do you think you would be interested in more book reviews/recs in the future? Thanks again for all of the content! 😀

  14. I’ve seen this video before, but as I try to progress my game I must say, this book is such a need. It gives u more than enough information on a topic that u can apply immediately while at the same time encourages you to search elsewhere to continue said topic

  15. I just bought this book at Barnes and nobles and looked it up when I got home and hour video came up. I've been watching all yout videos so I thought that was cool. Considering returning it and buying through your link.

  16. I have this book. I love it this book. Thanks

  17. Great video. With so many openings and explanations in the FCO, do you suggest just picking one or two openings for white to learn? Also for black, how do you pick what to use against white with so many openings? Suggestions, please. Thank you.

  18. Little tip… piracy is easy and safe nowadays, personally I would never pirate software; just stating a fact.

  19. This book is exactly what I was needing. Thanks 🙏 maybe this will help an “older” dude like me learn to play a decent game. Your help is awesome 🤩

  20. FCO Book arrived today. And it is everything you said it was. Thanks for the suggestion. Happy birthday to me.

  21. 0:10
    Well , thats not really what ive said , what i said was "Well nelson , why do i need to buy a book when i can print it for free from online websites"

  22. Video Games, Vlogs, and Helpful Life Tips! says:

    Definitely agree with @AndrewzProductions. It is going to be really helpful in my games.

  23. the book finally arrived, spent a whole day reading it and im way better than 1 day ago!!

  24. Does this book contain information on the Reti opening? If not, is there another book that does?

  25. Thanks i'll search the name of the book + pdf free

  26. Which book is best to learn about Chess Middle Games?

  27. Do i need to pay for a membership to do that on that site

  28. very much like your content Chess Vibes… I have not played chess for over 40years but seem to have the bug to play and advance. I thank you Sir.

  29. Does this book cover defense openings for black as well?

  30. I don’t understand the book. I am a beginner so if you could make a video or something on how to read chess books it would be appreciated.

  31. Me who download books on Google chrome: I am one step ahead!! JK

  32. Saw this book at a bookstore and passed on it. I'm now regretting it a tad.

  33. Great stuff. Just ordered the book. My new DSG Centaur computer chess board will be in trouble now XD

  34. You can get the book for free as a psf btw. In case you can't get/pay for the physical copy.

  35. Are all the opening in this book? Like the sicilian and all the main openings

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