The Caro-Kann Defense | Chess Opening Tutorial

The Caro-Kann Defense, this is what we discuss in today’s Chess Opening Tutorial! The Caro-Kann Defence is known as a solid response to the White 1.e4. I take you through the different opening lines White can play in reply such as the Panov Attack, Two Knights Variation, Advanced Variation and of course the Open Variation. This should give you a good overview of the kind of structures and positions you can expect if you choose to play (against) the Caro-Kann. Please let me know if you have any questions!

In this series, Chess Opening Tutorial, I cover a specific chess opening and explain the fundamental ideas and positions that can arise in that opening.

Chess Opening Tutorial Playlist:

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Niclas Huschenbeth (born February 29, 1992 in Hann. Muenden) is a German Chess Grandmaster. Huschenbeth learned how to play chess at the age of five and participated in youth chess tournaments. He was awarded the title of International Master in 2008 and the Grandmaster title in 2012. At age 18, he achieved his most notable success, becoming the youngest German Champion in history. He has played 52 times for the German national team and participated in two chess olympiads. Currently, Huschenbeth studies industrial/organizational psychology at the Free University of Berlin.


  1. Niclas könntest du bitte Pirc als nächste vorstellen.

  2. thanks for the great vid, can you please do the Italian game in the next vid?

  3. Most channels like this are not GMs. Nice videos

  4. I'm curious, are you planning on doing any more videos in the near future for chess24 or chessbase? I've purchased 3 videos of yours on chess24 and loved every last one of them. Just wanted to see what's your next upcoming project. Keep up the good work sir.

  5. The Petroff and then the Caro-Kann? Are you trying to kill chess or what? If you now do the Philidor I will have to report you for inappropriate and harmfull content.

  6. Do you have any advice for remembering opening moves? I feel like I forget the main lines almost instantly after learning them.

  7. Amazing vid, are you streaming as well?

  8. Can you please make on london system covering Nh5?

  9. wow , the theory runs into very many moves. i wonder do grandmasters ever play the exact same game more than once (and would it be a draw ?)

  10. 9:32 A bit of a stretch to say that Nd7 is not much different from the Bf5 lines. Personally, I think both have a completely different feel and rhythm to it, not the least due to the White pawn quickly getting to h5 in the Bf5 lines and thus White much more often castling long there than at Nd7.

  11. Why not rotate the chessboard ??? Bullshit…

  12. not a nice audio setup. too much gain on the microphone sounds like there some clipping distortion and also too much reverb in the room

  13. “once again this is not the main line theory, but”

  14. I'm amazed that anyone would give thumbs down to such an excellent presentation! All the more so since the viewer didn't pay anything for this, and also considering the large number of absolute junk presentations that are out here.

  15. Very nice opening tutorial I dont know that you will start your YouTube channel in English😄

  16. Danke, dein Englisch ist super verständlich!

  17. Thank you! Hopefully, I am gonna suffer less against Caro Kann:)

  18. Too fast for advanced beginner. Thanks though.

  19. I'd like it more if the board were flipped when we're learning about black's strategy

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