Jonathan Schrantz teaches the Scotch Game, an underestimated opening that releases tension in the center early. Besides two notable games, the Goering gambit and the Dubois-Reti defence are also covered.
Magnus Carlsen vs Peter Leko, Pearl Spring Chess Tournament (2009): C45 Scotch game
Garry Kasparov vs Etienne Bacrot, Sarajevo (2000): C45 Scotch, Mieses variation
I love this channel.
@ 22:03 maybe h3 could be fun, threatening to trap the queen, so Qxh3 and the knight gets to g5 with a nice tempo an white can put a rook on the H file with a strong atack at the expense of one just pawn
imma have to look at this with an engine later
It's not that common but can the next video cover the Bird's Opening ?
Nice series, really like this opening. Compliments to Jonathan for talking slower and being more relaxed wich really helps to enjoy it more. Keep up the great lessons and continue to slow down the talking! Looking forward to the 2016 series.
There are a couple of openings I'd really like to see :). I REALLY like to fianchetto my bishops though… I'd love to see a video on the Pirc Defense!!
Great video's, guys 🙂
Where can I send a petition? I want you to explain a specific opening, but I don't know how to submit it.
Scandi please
Awesome lecture!
Franco Sicilian please! 1. e4,c5 2. Bc4, e6
Whoo! I actually requested this one. Seeing this is an early Christmas present.
Russian variation of the Grünfeld
Alekhine's Defense!
Scandinavian would be great.
Great lecture, looking forward to more of these 🙂
Love this series
Modern Benoni please!
I would love a video on the Dutch, especially the stonewall variation from Black's point of view.
King´s Indian Defense please, including a game of Tal or Stein! 🙂
Can you please do one of following:
Alapin/Smit mora line- e4c5 c3g6 d4cxd4 d5e5 (black)
hyper accelarated dragon sideline- e4c5 Nf3g6 d4cxd4 Qxd4 Nf6 e5Nc6(black)
Semi-slav Botvinik system (black)
Semi-slav Meran(white)
Albin contergambit(white)
Queens indian(white)
kings gambit next pls
If black takes the e pawn and white plays Nb5, black can insert Bxe3. When the smoke clears black loses the right to castle but ends up with two minor pieces for a rook as the knight on a8 cannot return to safety.
Sicilian, Kan variation please!
How about the wing gambit in the Sicilian defense?
Please could you cover the Modern Scandinavian Defense, which is where you play Nf6 instead of Qxd5. Even though its not that popular could you go over it as a secret weapon to use?
Some say that driking scotch while playing this openings give you better chance, is it true?
ruy lopez!
Alapin Sicilian orr Alekhine's defence please?
I kinda like this guy. He's straightforward, to the point and doesn't go off on tangents. I'll throw my hat into the ring and suggest maybe the Grunfeld?
Great work, Jonathan! Explaining "side-lines" that are good for beginner/intermediate practical or blitz games is much more interesting than only seeing deep, engine-optimized GM lines that require perfect memorization.
thank you so much
"And no white comes up with a way to win …" in the second game is not entirely correct. The game is actually drawn as black can blockade the white squares forever. To stop the combination that ends the game he needs to play Bc8 followed by Be6 whenever white attempts Ra3 followed by Rag3. This way the e6 pawn is blockaded an white cannot break the king side pawn formation with the combination including e6+. Rhb8?? is a blunder because now black is one tempo too late to return the rook to g8 and blockade the pawn at the same time.
Alapin Sicilian, Alekhine's Defense, Nimzowitch defense?
great video!
thanks Jonathan
your lectures are straight to the point and very informative. good joob
Can someone explain why 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 it is bad for black to play Nxd4 ? I see this most often when I play the Scotch (I follow with 5. Qxd4). It's not one of the variations looked at in this video despite my games being replete with it. Thanks!
EYE-Talian game????????????????????? LMAO!!!! Guess there aren't too many ITALIANS in St. Louis!!!
8:38 Nc3 is better than Nd2 to hold black pawns center back
In scotch gambit you the not play knight at d2,you play knight at c3 allowing for black to double your pawns,but that pawns will block black queenside
Ponziani please 🙂
as far as i know the best is take only the second pawn but not the 3th. but even if you take a hard defense is immediately d6 threatening be6 if qb3 u play qd7 ka5 threatens. its hard for white breakthrough
Amazing Job!! Many thanks to this channel!!
He speaks too fast and I am french 🙁
Can you do a lecture about modern scandinavian defense please?
So basically, the scotch sux
Why not En passant at 35:46 ??
the Steinitz variation with e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Qh4 is very interesting for black against the scotch. wish it would have got some attention
at 35:45 should white just take the pawn, e5->f6 x and check? Is there anything black can do to respond? I believe it's a great move! If not, could you please explain why?
wuts hiz rating?